Whether you intend to purchase a new car key as spare or have lost the original ones, knowing the different key types that you can buy can prevent you from having to spend hundreds for it. Car keys can be purchased from car dealers, hardware depots as well as your local locksmith shop.
Car Key Types
Car keys come in different types, the most basic of which costs about $3 and does not contain any special features such as anti-theft that protects the car from getting stolen. One can basically have it done by their local locksmith as it is cheaper compared to buying one from the car dealer that can charge for triple the price especially for those who want it with the car brand on them.
Transponders are the second and most frequently used. It includes a small microchip which provides the codes to start the car's ignition when the correct key is recognized by the computerized database of the automobile. Transponders can be made of mechanical or laser depending on the Car Key Replacement Shrewsbury brand of the car. The chip in the key is passive so it costs less as one no longer has to use a battery for it to work.

A master-key on the other hand is the most expensive costing hundreds for a replacement. It is used to reprogram the vehicle's security information in case the original keys were lost and a new one is purchased. Master keys are scarce nowadays as car manufacturers are now relying more on smart or VATs keys.
The latest car key type is the Vehicle Anti-Theft System or VATs which is a key that has a black resistor on the blade surface. The resistor has a code which adds to the security features of the vehicle. Smart keys on the other hand are those that make use of microchips and sensors to unlock the car and start the ignition.
Replacing Car Keys
We all know how expensive replacements can be if you head to the car dealer and request for an extra to be made for you. With that said, another alternative to this is to head over to your local locksmith for the replacement. Locksmiths provide extensive key and lock services including automotive ones that are cheaper than those from car dealers.
Car owners would only have to provide the model, year and make of the car to the locksmith. Some shops also have sophisticated machines which can help one especially if the key is customized in any way.