Don't kid yourself; you're not going to be the first choice of a major game developer when you first start applying for video game tester jobs. However, if you follow localization company for video game the few simple tips below, you most assuredly won't be the last!
- Don't quit! This may seem obvious to you, but it's the main reason why most starting game testers don't make it. They apply for their first video game tester job and are rejected, leading them to believe they don't have what it takes to be a game tester. This is simply untrue. Just because you've been denied once, twice, 3 times, 4 times, or more it doesn't mean you can't hack it as a tester -- it just means the developer needs someone more experienced for the job.

- Don't be afraid to test games for free. Testing video games for free, although hard to stomach, is a great way to get your foot in the door. Developers won't have to worry about wasting money on another "newbie" tester because you'll be testing for free. If you do a good job, not only do you have a potential employer, but you'll have a great reference for future video game tester jobs.
- You're not going to find testing jobs in the local newspaper, so stop looking! Seriously, testing jobs are not going to find you, so stop pretending that they will. You won't find them by asking your best friend, you won't find them by reading an ad, and you won't find them by reading the classifieds section of the newspaper -- it's just not that easy. Yes, testing jobs are out there, but they aren't being advertised on a large scale basis. Game developers know that professional testers will come to them; not the other way around. That being said, get yourself out there and head directly to the companies!
- It's not what you know, it's who you know. This couldn't not be more true when it comes to video game testing. Knowing more people (in the video game industry) ultimately means more testing jobs for you in the long run. Networking with others will not only make it easier to find available testing jobs, but you'll have more references to offer future employers, you'll get insider information on the newest gaming developments, and you'll even learn about long-term localization company for video game positions that have opened up with some of the most powerful game developers in the world. In short, you'll be way ahead of the curve with a network of reliable contacts.
Is this all you need to know about professional video game testing? Of course not -- But, with these 4 tips, the challenge of landing video game tester jobs should be drastically easier!